A Word From Our CEO | 2023 Annual Report

A Word From Our CEO

This past year, post-COVID, continued to test us all on so many levels. At VOA Oregon, we embraced these challenges to meet our community’s growing need for vital services to support the individuals within it. Many Oregonians worry if our challenges as a community will ever be solved. I am here to tell you that where there is help there is hope. The uncertainty of the times has fueled an increase in those suffering from substance use and mental health disorders, but we are here to build back healthy families and a safer community. VOA Oregon provides life-changing outcomes to over 21,000 individuals in Oregon.

At VOA Oregon we know that a holistic, therapeutic, and trauma-informed approach can build a thriving community where every member is valued, every home is safe, and every life is self-determined. With the dedicated members of Team VOA, we bring compassion and commitment to each day, meeting people where they are, and helping them on their pathways to wellness. It is through this help that we provide hope for our community.

This past year I have been inspired by the kindness and support of our donors. With your support we will continue to provide vital services to our community. I am excited to share with you these stories of change and hope in our community. As you read through this report know that our success is your success.

Thank you for joining us on this journey as we continue to build an Oregon that we are proud to call home.

With Gratitude,

Kay Toran

Kay Toran Portrait
Left to Right: Mike Wiebe, VP of Human Resources; Elizabeth Sherman, Division Director Children and Family; Pam Kelly, Division Director Treatment and Prevention Services; Kay Toran, President/CEO; Jim Ravelli, Interim Chief Financial Officer, and Brian Hess, VP of Development
VOA Oregon Executive Leadership Team; Left to Right: Mike Wiebe, VP of Human Resources; Elizabeth Sherman, Division Director Children and Family; Pam Kelly, Division Director Treatment and Prevention Services; Kay Toran, President/CEO; Jim Ravelli, Interim Chief Financial Officer, and Brian Hess, VP of Development