Amy Wayson served as General Counsel and Vice President/Senior Vice President of Oregon Health and Science University, Oregon’s only health and research university and academic health center, from 2004 until 2013. Prior to joining OHSU, Ms. Wayson practiced law in the private sector for nearly 20 years, practicing both in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Ms. Wayson has a long history of service on the Boards of nonprofit organizations in the Portland, Oregon community, including Metropolitan Family Services, the Urban League of Portland, Albina Opportunities Corporation, and Literary Arts.
Since her retirement, she has volunteered with additional nonprofits including the Oregon Community Foundation, SMART, Portland Homeless Family Solutions, and SOLVE. She is married to Ken Moran, a fine furniture maker, and she and Ken have between them 4 children. Ms. Wayson enjoys spending time with those children as well as her large extended family, reading, and a variety of outdoor activities, including tennis hiking, and gardening.