Notice: To receive treatment from our Men's Residential Center, individuals must be referred by Multnomah County; this includes those involved with Multnomah County Department of Community Justice or the Federal Probation/Parole system.
About the MRC
The Volunteers of America Men’s Residential Center (MRC) is a 54-bed residential substance use (and concurrent outpatient mental health) treatment facility for men referred by the Multnomah County and/or Federal criminal justice system. Many began using substances as early as age ten and do not know life without crime.
During 17 weeks of intensive, skills-focused treatment, the MRC counselors and staff develop therapeutic relationships with clients and create an environment where the men learn recovery-based and prosocial living skills. Clients graduate when they complete the treatment curriculum, have a solid recovery plan and support group, employment, safe housing, and are enrolled in outpatient treatment. The MRC provides 12 beds of transitional alcohol and drug free housing next door at the Sacramento Recovery House. MRC graduates may live there rent-free for up to three months. This provides them with the opportunity to save money so they can afford and transition into long-term housing.
Staff and counselors become role models for the men as they develop meaningful relationships with one another. In group and individual counseling sessions, clients can discuss the root causes of their substance use disorder and criminal behaviors, learn how to monitor their own thought processes in order to recognize and prevent relapse, and practice anger management and emotional regulation techniques. All these processes contribute to the learning of vital communication and independent living skills.
MRC Services
Participants of the Men’s Residential Center typically spend 6 months in residence. During the initial phase of treatment, they participate in a highly-structured program which focuses on skill building and the changing of attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that could lead them back to drugs, alcohol and criminal behavior.
The second treatment phase provides participants with opportunities to practice their new skills through vocational training and other pro-social activities, both in and out of the program. They seek housing, employment, reunification with family, build strong outside support systems, and many strengthen their recovery through service work.
After a successful transition back into the community, clients participate in an outpatient aftercare program for 6 more months.
Alumni Program
If one can measure a program’s success by the loyalty and gratitude expressed by former participants, then the Men’s Residential Center (MRC) is doing something right.
A recent Alumni Celebration—the largest and most notable event of the year for the MRC—brought over 120 men together to reconnect with staff and friends, share success stories, and celebrate participants’ courage for having turned their lives around. Together, they represent over 820 years of sobriety! That is quite a feat to celebrate and be grateful for.
Not only do these men attend alumni events, but many have also returned to the center to be mentors for current clients. As these alumni were able to turn from a life of crime and addiction, they act as wonderful role models for current clients who can see what they are capable of.
“We are grateful to our alumni for all they do in supporting new clients entering treatment at the MRC, and for the strength they’ve shown in their own recoveries,” noted Greg Stone, MRC Program Director. “They’re helping spread the possibility of recovery and empowering others to become more accountable, and they’re helping create a safer community for everyone.”
Congratulations to Greg, his staff, and to the men who are giving back in appreciation for all they’ve received at the MRC.