2021 Annual Board Member Meeting

VOA Oregon Holds Annual Board Member Meeting

On April 14th Volunteers of America Oregon held its Annual Board Meeting. Among those on the guest list were 2 representatives from the Volunteers of America Inc. national office, National Board Chair, Jerry Langley, and June Koegel Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer at the national office.

“It was impressive and important to have the national board chair, Jerry Langley, attend our annual meeting. Having him hear first-hand the stories of our programs and services has brought about a great advocate and champion for our mission here in Oregon,” shared Kay D. Toran, President/CEO.

During the meeting, the Board of Directors appointed a new member, James Ravelli. Currently serving as the VP for University Operations at the University of Portland, James joins our board with over 25 years of experience directing strategy, systems development, and operations.

“Bringing on Jim to our board will provide us his expertise to build a state-of-the-art facility at the new major property we purchased,” explains Steve Moceri, board chair.

Also at this meeting, the board held re-elections. 2 board members were re-elected to their second 3-year term, Captain David Abrahamson and Greg Warner. The board officers we re-elected for a 1-year term, are Steve Moceri – Board Chair, Carmen Gaston – Board Vice Chair, Greg Warner – Treasurer, and Adrienne Livingston – Board Secretary. Thank you to each member for their service to VOA Oregon and its mission.

“Under the leadership of Kay and the entire team VOA OR has thrived,” stated Steve Moceri.