“The Al Forthan scholarship has impacted me in multiple ways, and I am extremely grateful to be a part of the Al Forthan family. Of course, it has helped me financially, but it has also given me the ability to put my time towards other goals and aspects of my life. I have had the opportunity to volunteer, join clubs, spend time with friends, and become more immersed in college life.
My entire life I have had the worry of financial need and what I could and could not buy. Food has always been a worry, buying simple supplies for school, and sometimes I had to worry about where I could sleep for the night. The Al Forthan scholarship has not only helped with school fees but also has given me the opportunity to not be as stressed with all those worries in the past. I am grateful to represent Al Forthan and for them to grant me the ability to attend school. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me!”
2019 Recipient
The Al Forthan Scholarship Application
The Al Forthan Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an Oregon high school senior from a family affected by alcohol or drug addiction. Affected by addiction means you have been raised by a parent or guardian who has experienced addiction or you have abused alcohol or drugs and are now pursuing recovery.
The Scholarship application is closed for 2025.
For any questions, please email Tess Fowler at tfowler@voaor.org
Apply Online
The Al Forthan Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an Oregon high school senior from a family affected by alcohol or drug addiction. Affected by addiction means you have been raised by a parent or guardian who has experienced addiction or you have abused alcohol or drugs and are now pursuing recovery.
1 $10,000 scholarship will be awarded in 2024. It will be allocated in $2,500 installments over four years.
To be eligible for the $10,000 scholarship you will need to include in your application a 1-page (maximum) letter of support from a teacher, coach, school counselor, adult mentor, pastor, etc. describing your character and why they recommend you for this scholarship.
Several other scholarships of various amounts will be awarded in 2024. To be eligible for the scholarships less than $10,000 you do not need a letter of support.
How to Apply
Scholarship awards are based on the student’s response to each of the following 6 questions or statements. Please submit your application below as a Microsoft Word or Google Document. If you don’t have a Google account you can email Tessa Fowler as a Microsoft Word or Google Document. Make sure to list your sources for questions 1 & 2. Please type out each question, followed by your response. All essays should be typed in 12pt font size, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.
If you have any questions, please email Tessa Fowler or call her at (503) 802-0299.