Family Relief Nursery

At the Family Relief Nursery, we strive to walk with children and families, support their nurturing relationships, and strengthen the family unit so that we highlight and increase their stability and resilience.


Since 1992, the Family Relief Nursery has offered a holistic, positive intervention to families. We serve families with children ages 6 weeks through 5 years old in Multnomah County. The program supports families experiencing stressors associated with child abuse and neglect. By design, we follow a core, state-wide model that includes the following services:

Therapeutic Early Childhood Program (TECP):

Our classroom supports the social, emotional, and cognitive functioning of each child. We support the promotion of healthy growth of children who have experienced challenges, adversity, or trauma. TECP teachers provide a nurturing, culturally responsive, and developmentally appropriate environment for children. This environment is child-driven, intentional, consistent, and utilizes research-based interventions. We encourage children to explore their surroundings, engage in imaginative play, control their feelings, and develop strong partnerships with other children and their teachers. The classroom teacher is also a family’s home visitor. Through these visits, they support each family in their home at least once per month.

Home Visiting

Each family is provided a home visitor, who is also the child(ren)’s teacher. Home visits are facilitated using a strength-based and family-focused approach. With this, we consider the unique needs of each child and family’s goals. Visits integrate parenting support and education, healthy development of children, and parent/child interactions.

Parent Education

Parenting education and support are provided to all parents and caregivers enrolled in the Relief Nursery. Through home visits and/or groups and workshops, we use an evidence-based curriculum that is tailored to the needs of each family. We are currently using the Nurturing Parenting 12-week curriculum and will be transitioning to the Circle of Security Parenting curriculum by the end of the year.

Outreach and Respite Care

Outreach services are available to all wait-list families who are waiting for space in TECP, and/or families who are not interested in TECP but still want ongoing case management and parent education. Respite care is available to outreach families on a first come, first served basis.

Community Resource and Referral

We are committed to helping connect families to necessary resources (i.e.: food boxes, clothing, other program referrals, etc). Each of our sites has emergency food and a clothing closet. Families can access these resources by connecting with their home visitors.

All services are provided at no charge to families.

Family Relief Nursery Contact Form

How do you prefer we contact you?(Required)
Please check all that apply.
The Family Relief Nursery serves children 0-5 years of age. For kids under 1 year, please share their age in months or weeks.
If you were not referred by another provider, please put “NA” or “None”
We ask this to better understand how and/or if the services available through the Family Relief Nursery are suitable for your family needs.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

By The Numbers

  • 94 children served annually
  • 68 families served annually
  • 8 family relief nursery staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I qualify for the Family Relief Nursery?

Our program serves families with children ages six weeks through five years who are experiencing multiple stressors. To determine if you qualify for our program, please call the Family Relief Nursery at (503) 972-9643 and someone will talk with you about the eligibility and intake process.

How long can I receive services?

While we are not a permanent placement, we do work with families for an average of 12 to18 months, and provide each of them with assistance and support when it is time to create a transition plan to exit the program. Our professional staff is available to offer resources and other helpful materials during this process.

Thank You, Partners!

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