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Vehicle Donations

What are the benefits for donating my vehicle?

You would be able to donate to VOA Oregon and can choose another charity of your choice, giving you the opportunity to donate to two separate charities in your local area. Also, you will be able to claim the donation on your taxes. You will spare yourself the hassles of phone calls and strangers at your door if you were to sell the vehicle yourself.

How does the process work?

You will need to fill out the online form where you will be able to select which charity you would like to donate to. You can choose all the proceeds to go to VOA Oregon or split the proceeds 50/50 with the charity of your choice. If you do not see a charity you would like to donate to, contact us and we will reach out to them on your behalf.

Once we confirm all information has been received, we will have the tow company contact you directly (no cost to you) to set up a day and time that works for you. They will need to pick up the keys and the signed title at this time. We will sell the vehicle at the auction and then divide the proceeds as you requested.