We've been hard at work making a better experience online for VOA Oregon. We ask for your patience as we continue improving our website. Having trouble or feedback you want to share? Fill out our form!
Do you work for Intel, Nike, or Verizon? These are just a few of the hundreds of employers who will match gifts made to Volunteers of America Oregon, doubling or even tripling the amount of your donation. Many companies also match gifts made by spouses or retired employees. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your support go even further!
Contact your Human Resources department to find out more about your company’s matching gift program and request a matching gift form. Mail your gift and completed form to:
Volunteers of America Oregon
Matching Gifts
3910 SE Stark Street
Portland, OR 97214
Gifts of appreciated securities (stocks) are a popular alternative to making a cash gift as they may offer you additional tax advantages. In addition to receiving an income tax deduction for the full market value of the securities, you may also avoid capital gains on the appreciation of your stocks. If your donated securities are used to fund a charitable trust or gift annuity there may be estate and gift tax advantages as well.
To make such a gift, do not sell the stock and donate the proceeds, as this will jeopardize your tax benefits. Instead, notify your broker of your intention.
When you contact us, please be prepared to provide your broker’s name and telephone number, the name of the stock, and number of shares you wish to contribute. We will then contact your broker. You will be notified of the contribution deduction based on the date of your securities transfer.
Securities Transfers Instructions for Advisers
Broker contact information:
VOA Oregon Broker: Charles Schwab
DTC number: 0164
Account number: 4108-3358
Code number: 40
Tax ID: 93-0395591
Stock Donors and Brokers
Please telephone our office if you (or your client) are transferring shares to Volunteers of America Oregon. We need to know the donor’s name and the name and number of shares being transferred to correctly apply the contribution.
Employee Giving Programs are an easy and effective way to support Volunteers of America Oregon on a regular basis! Recurring gifts are deducted directly from your paycheck, and the cumulative donations are sent to Volunteers of America Oregon. A small but regular gift will have a huge impact on our ability to help vulnerable people.
Contact your employer’s Human Resources Department to find out if your company has an employee giving program and how to enroll. Many employers will also double or triple your donation through a Matching Gifts program!
Support VOA Oregon through the United Way, enter Volunteers of America Oregon.
Planned charitable gifts made as part of your estate planning are a lasting expression of your life and wishes. It is your personal legacy for the future, a legacy that continues providing for the concerns closest to your heart, in perpetuity.
Planned giving assures that your wishes for the distribution of your assets will be carried out responsibly, sensitively, and in a timely manner. There are many planned giving options:
One of the simplest means of planned giving is to provide a bequest to Volunteers of America Oregon in your will. You can name us as the direct beneficiary of assets, a portion or percentage of your estate, or what remains of your estate after your other obligations have been met. You should contact an attorney for assistance in drafting your will. In addition, you may find below-suggested language for including Equity in your will.
Create your legal will and legacy gift for free. Are you looking to support Volunteers of America Oregon in perpetuity? We’ve partnered with FreeWill to make it simpler than ever to create your legal will and start your legacy with Volunteers of America Oregon in the process.
Under the Residuary section of the form, click on “Affiliate” and select “Volunteers of America Oregon” under the heading “Where do you want to direct your gift?”
Life Insurance Policies
You can designate Volunteers of America Oregon as the sole or partial beneficiary of your life insurance policy; donate a fully paid policy and qualify for a tax deduction; or name us as the owner and beneficiary of the policy and take an income tax deduction for the approximate value of the policy at the time of transfer.
Retirement Plans
You can specify Volunteers of America Oregon as a beneficiary of your pension, IRA, Keough, SPE, or other plan.
Charitable Trusts
You can take advantage of creative and versatile living trusts to provide assets to us while retaining full use and benefit of those assets during your lifetime. For example, cash, securities, or real estate can be placed into a charitable remainder trust, which pays annual income to you and/or your loved one for life, and then benefits Volunteers of America Oregon at your death. Such an option can offer attractive tax incentives.
Appreciated Property
You could enjoy a substantial tax advantage by making a gift of property such as real estate, stocks, or bonds.
Acknowledgement of Your Contribution
If you have named Volunteers of America Oregon in your will, as the beneficiary of an annuity, life insurance policy, or trust, please let us know so that we can include you in the Ballington and Maude Booth Legacy Society.