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Myths Sexual Assault

Myth #7: I heard that if a woman leads someone on sexually, there is a point when it’s not right for her to stop or turn back because he won’t be able to control himself and might be in pain.

 Fact: Anyone who is involved with someone sexually can always choose to stop at any time no matter what. Everyone has the right to be in control of their own body All the Time. A lot of people think that men and boys cannot control themselves if they get too excited, but the truth is that they can. There is no excuse for sexual assault.

Myth #6: I heard that women try to get revenge on men by falsely accusing them of rape.

Fact: According to the FBI, women falsely accuse men of rape about as often as people falsely report any other crime—between 1 to 2% t of the time. It is such an ordeal for a woman to go through reporting an assault, having a trial, and dealing with unsupportive friends and family that women have little or nothing to gain from falsely accusing a man of rape.

Myth #5: Men who rape need sex and aren’t getting it.

Fact: Rape is an act of violence where one person is attempting to have power and control over the other. Rape is not about sex, it’s about power and control. In fact, the majority of rapists have regular sexual partners.

Myth #1: People who wear short skirts, tight low-cut shirts, or other revealing clothes are at fault if they are sexually assaulted.

Fact: The only person responsible for a sexual assault is the perpetrator. Women are taught to dress attractively, but if they do so, people blame them and might say that they are “asking for it”. Women are supposed to have the right to study and hold a job, but if they go to the library late at night and are assaulted, people might blame them again and say that they “asked for it” by being out late. No person deserves to be attacked or to have their wishes ignored. No person wants to be assaulted and lose total control of their emotional and physical well-being.