When an agency or program is a Qualified Victim’s Services Program (QVSP) in the state of Oregon this means a few key things to keep in mind:

  • We have some of the strictest confidentiality laws of any service provider.
  • We have a Certified Advocate Privilege. This is like Doctor/Patient or Attorney/Client Privilege, but even stricter. We are not mandated reporters (except for a few very specific circumstances). See more information on Advocate Privilege.
  • We must get our own Releases of Information (ROI). If you are another provider, you may send us your agency ROI, and we can listen to anything you want to share with us. However, we cannot confirm or deny any information without have our own written, signed, specific, time-sensitive ROI that is compliant with the Violence Against Women Act, and other confidentiality laws that protect survivor’s information.