- Gym memberships
- Gift Cards: Fred Meyer, Target, grocery stores, barbershops, and hair salons for haircuts.
- Backpacks (new or gently used)
- Sleeping bags (new)
- Tarps (new or gently used)
- Children’s coats (new or gently used)
- Back-to-school supplies
- Socks (new)
- Tents (new or gently used)
- Winter hats (new or gently used)
- Scarves (new or gently used)
- Hygiene Items: Shampoo, disposable razors, menstrual hygiene products, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and body wash (New, in packaging)
- Cleaning supplies
- Shoes
- Underwear (New, in packaging)
- Undershirts (New, in packaging)
*We do not accept mouthwash with alcohol.