Building Protection Using the Social Development Strategy

Building Protection Using the Social Development Strategy

With Kevin Haggerty, PhD

Cost: $110 for full day of training (6 CEUs); $60 for half day of training (3 CEUs). All proceeds go towards the Al Forthan Scholarship.

If you have any questions please contact Tess Fowler at or (503) 802-0299.

During this interactive forum participants will explore how to build protection in communities, schools, and families using the Social Development Strategy (SDS). 

This session will build participants’ understanding of shared protective factors and how the Social Development Strategy organizes protection into a strategy for action. 

Participants will learn and practice using the SDS and its components to design activities that will build protection in families, schools, coalitions, and communities. 


Jan 25 2023


1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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